LinkedIN: Block automatically loggedIn without prompting to allow access (JavaScript)

In my application, I used the linked API to login. If a user is already logged into a connected browser and clicked the loginin button on my site, the user will automatically login to my site. But I want to ask the "Allow Access" popup authentication window provided by linkedIn.

EDIT: using Samer Bechara's answer

$(document).ajaxSend(function(event, jqxhr, settings) {   
    if ( settings.url == "" ) {
           settings.url = ""   



<script type="text/javascript" src="">
        api_key: apikey goes here
        onLoad: onLinkedInLoad
      authorize: false

    <script type="text/javascript">
      function onLinkedInLoad() {
       IN.ENV.js.scope = new Array();
       IN.ENV.js.scope[0] = "r_emailaddress";
       IN.ENV.js.scope[1] = "r_contactinfo";  

       IN.Event.on(IN, "auth", onLinkedInAuth);

      function onLinkedInAuth() {


      function displayProfiles(profiles) {

        member = profiles.values[0];
        var phs="";
        var mid;
        var eid= member.emailAddress;
        var mad= member.mainAddress;
        var ln= member.lastName;
        var fn= member.firstName;
         var json = JSON.stringify(profiles);
         var ph=member.phoneNumbers._total;

         if(ph >0){





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1 answer

To achieve what you want, you must change your OAuth endpoint from to . This should work for you.

However, this cannot be done using a Javascript based API because their JS file is hidden for security purposes. The only way to do this is to move your authentication system to a server-side one (like PHP), which will allow you to change the authorization endpoint yourself.


You can use the method jQuery.ajaXSend()

as follows to modify the request. I haven't tested this, but should work for you.

$(document).ajaxSend(function(event, jqxhr, settings) {   
    if ( settings.url == "" ) {
           settings.url = ""   




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