Group stamps by change

In our factory, we have the following shifts:

  • 1: Mon - Fri: 5:00 - 13:00
  • 2: Mon - Fri: from 13:00 to 21:00
  • 3: Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 5:00 am
  • 4a: Sat: 5:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • 4b: Sun: 5pm - Mon 5am

In a specific table, we have several time records that I would like to group with a query. For shifts 1, 2 and 3, this query works fine ::

WHEN DATEPART(hh, c.date_time_stamp) >= 5 AND DATEPART(hh, c.date_time_stamp) < 13 THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), c.date_time_stamp, 103) + ' shift 1'
WHEN DATEPART(hh, c.date_time_stamp) >= 13 AND DATEPART(hh, c.date_time_stamp) < 21 THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), c.date_time_stamp, 103) + ' shift 2'
WHEN DATEPART(hh, c.date_time_stamp) >= 21 AND DATEPART(hh, c.date_time_stamp) < 24 THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), c.date_time_stamp, 103) + ' shift 3'
WHEN DATEPART(hh, c.date_time_stamp) >= 00 AND DATEPART(hh, c.date_time_stamp) < 5 THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), DATEADD(DAY, -1, c.date_time_stamp), 103)  + ' shift 3'  END AS shift,


This gives me some kind of shift_id. To determine the shift of 4a and 4b, I could extend the case statement, but I'm a little worried about query performance.

Can someone give me some advice on how to create a function that returns shift_id in an efficient way? Thank!

EDIT: Some sample data:

inventory_trans_number creation_dt             shift_id             shift_type container_code
---------------------- ----------------------- -------------------- ---------- ------------------
140952                 2013-02-04 01:03:19.043 20130203 03          3          154143591115247892
140956                 2013-02-04 01:07:20.343 20130203 03          3          154143591115247939
140962                 2013-02-04 01:10:56.417 20130203 03          3          154143591115247991
140968                 2013-02-04 01:14:55.250 20130203 03          3          154143591115248134
140970                 2013-02-04 01:17:18.883 20130203 03          3          154143591115248196
141070                 2013-02-04 02:12:59.327 20130203 03          3          154143591115248240
141076                 2013-02-04 02:16:27.480 20130203 03          3          154143591115248356
141092                 2013-02-04 02:22:44.067 20130203 03          3          154143591115248530
141096                 2013-02-04 02:25:02.157 20130203 03          3          154143591115248585
141102                 2013-02-04 02:33:51.253 20130203 03          3          154143591115248615



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1 answer

This will give you a change. It works by understanding that this is a mathematical problem, not a database.

There are 21 shifts per week and we create a table variable to store the shift names - you can create a permenant table for that with an index on the Number column.


By getting the hours between the time and the date set at 5:00 on Monday, until any of the dates that interest us, and taking modulo this from 24 * 7 (the number of hours in a week), we get a number indicating, in what hour 5:00 has passed on Monday (i.e. shift 0). Divide that by 8 and you get the shift number.

DECLARE @FirstEverShift datetime = CONVERT(datetime, '2011-12-26 05:00')

 Shift  nvarchar(2) NOT NULL)

INSERT @ShiftTypes
(0, '1'),
(1, '2'),
(2, '3'),
(3, '1'),
(4, '2'),
(5, '3'),
(6, '1'),
(7, '2'),
(8, '3'),
(9, '1'),
(10, '2'),
(11, '3'),
(12, '1'),
(13, '2'),
(14, '3'),
(15, '4a'),
(16, 'NA'),
(17, 'NA'),
(18, '4b'),
(19, 'NA'),
(20, 'NA')

SELECT  s.date_time_stamp
FROM    shifts s
        INNER JOIN
        @ShiftTypes st ON st.Number=DATEDIFF(HOUR, @FirstEverShift, s.date_time_stamp) % (24*7) / 8



I figured out that the weekend change is 12 hours, not 8. This approach works, but it needs a modification, which I'm not going to do because I'm on a tablet!

Instead of dividing by 8, divide by 4, which means the table variable must go from 0 to 40, and every 8 hour shift takes 2 numbers and every 12 hours takes 3.



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