How can I increase the scaling of the UIScrollview to a fixed point?

I am creating a control to display a timeline. It should initially show the year. When the scaling and has zoomScale

reached a certain value, it will show the value of the individual months, and at the next level of scaling it should show the real values ​​for the individual days.

I created a file scrollview

and added layers

(to display month / year values). After I override the pinch program, I can do the scaling (UIScrollview normal scaling). But I need to zoom in to a certain point. those. Suppose I am increasing January, I need to keep it in the same position (to create an effect like moving in January). Any suggestions to achieve this?

Am I trying to do it the right way? otherwise, please help me start this.


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4 answers

Use this below method for your requirement,

- (void)zoomToRect:(CGRect)rect animated:(BOOL)animated


just call this above method with a frame or point selected, for example, if you select January, just take the point (position) of a button or button view, or just call the method above with that frame.

for more information see this link UIScrollView_Class

Hope this helps you ...



This is what it looks like:

@implementation UIScrollView (ZoomToPoint)

- (void)zoomToPoint:(CGPoint)zoomPoint withScale: (CGFloat)scale animated: (BOOL)animated
    //Normalize current content size back to content scale of 1.0f
    CGSize contentSize;
    contentSize.width = (self.contentSize.width / self.zoomScale);
    contentSize.height = (self.contentSize.height / self.zoomScale);

    //translate the zoom point to relative to the content rect
    zoomPoint.x = (zoomPoint.x / self.bounds.size.width) * contentSize.width;
    zoomPoint.y = (zoomPoint.y / self.bounds.size.height) * contentSize.height;

    //derive the size of the region to zoom to
    CGSize zoomSize;
    zoomSize.width = self.bounds.size.width / scale;
    zoomSize.height = self.bounds.size.height / scale;

    //offset the zoom rect so the actual zoom point is in the middle of the rectangle
    CGRect zoomRect;
    zoomRect.origin.x = zoomPoint.x - zoomSize.width / 2.0f;
    zoomRect.origin.y = zoomPoint.y - zoomSize.height / 2.0f;
    zoomRect.size.width = zoomSize.width;
    zoomRect.size.height = zoomSize.height;

    //apply the resize
    [self zoomToRect: zoomRect animated: animated];



Looking at it, it should be pretty easy to figure out how it works. If you see anything wrong with this, let me know in the comments.




I had the same problem,
I had an image of a world map and I wanted to enlarge the map to a specific location, India
This is how I fixed it.
I learned India's position regarding CGRect (X, Y) [CGRect (500 300)]
& amp; following code in DidLoad

    [self.scrollViewForMap setZoomScale:2.0 animated:YES]; //for zooming
    _scrollViewForMap.contentOffset = CGPointMake(500,300); //for location


This solved my problem. :)



- (void)pinchDetected:(UIPinchGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer {

if([gestureRecognizer state] == UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan) {
    // Reset the last scale, necessary if there are multiple objects with different scales
    lastScale = [gestureRecognizer scale];

if ([gestureRecognizer state] == UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan ||
    [gestureRecognizer state] == UIGestureRecognizerStateChanged) {

    CGFloat currentScale = [[[gestureRecognizer view].layer valueForKeyPath:@"transform.scale"] floatValue];

    // Constants to adjust the max/min values of zoom
    const CGFloat kMaxScale = 2.2;
    const CGFloat kMinScale = 0.64;

    CGFloat newScale = 1 -  (lastScale - [gestureRecognizer scale]);
    newScale = MIN(newScale, kMaxScale / currentScale);
    newScale = MAX(newScale, kMinScale / currentScale);
    CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformScale([[gestureRecognizer view] transform], newScale, newScale);
    [gestureRecognizer view].transform = transform;

    [gestureRecognizer setScale:1.0];

    lastScale = [gestureRecognizer scale];  // Store the previous scale factor for the next pinch gesture call




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