How to check the name of files inside a folder

I tried what I found on this thread but didn't work exactly the way I wanted ... I have a folder called photos

it may

has pictures or not. picture name

are matriculation

clients. I need to pass matriculation

as parameter

and check if there is picture

with the name matriculation

I passed asparameter

I've tried this:

public void VerifyPhoto(string matriculation)
            string path = Txt_PhotosPath.Text;
            var file = Directory.GetFiles(path, matriculation + ".jpg");



How can I check if I found this image or not? I tried to compare this, file != null

but it doesn't work with type var

. Any feedback? debuging

I saw that he found a picture because there String[1]

, but I don't know, ho to check

it ...

--- Update --- path

: C: "\ Users \ admin \ Desktop \ photos" matriculation

: "607659.jpg" There is a file with that name, but it keeps returning false

, what's wrong?

 string path = Txt_PhotosPath.Text;
            string filename = string.Format("{0}.jpg", matriculation);
            if (Directory.Exists(path))
                if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(path, filename)))
                    return true;
                    return false;
                return false;        



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6 answers

Use Path.Combine

and Directory+File.Exists


public bool VerifyPhoto(string matriculation)
    string dir = Txt_PhotosPath.Text;
        string fileName = string.Format("{0}.jpg", matriculation);
        if(File.Exists(Path.Combine(dir, fileName)))
            return true;
            return false;
        return false;




if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(path, matriculation + ".jpg"));




This is what the official documentation says:

If there are no files or files do not match the searchPattern parameter, this method returns an empty array.

Thus, an empty array will be returned and instead of checking for NULL for an empty array.



Its a fairly lightweight material. The following function will help you check if the file with the name specified in the parameter exists.



Namespace: System.IO

This function returns true if the file exists. Otherwise, false is returned. The argument is a string, which is the complete path to validate the file. eg: G:\Folder1\Filder2\File.jpg


It doesn't throw any exceptions as it returns false if it finds the file.

You don't need to combine the path and that's it, just give the full path to the file as in my example.

For more information click here



Use instead of var file

using string[] files


To check if you found any files, do if (files.Length > 0)

Normally very used var

, so do not do it, if you can avoid it.



To answer your question, why you can't use! = Null, it's because the underlying code for GetFiles () creates a list and calls the ToArray () extension method.

 return new List<string>(FileSystemEnumerableFactory.CreateFileNameIterator(path, userPathOriginal, searchPattern, includeFiles, includeDirs, searchOption, checkHost)).ToArray();


You will need to use: -

file.Count()  file.Length




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