Spring bean map with dynamic keys and values

Right now I have application related data in spring bean and passed this map to other classes as a reference.

Map is defined below

<bean id="sampleMap" class="java.util.HashMap">
    <constructor-arg index="0" type="java.util.Map">
        <map key-type="java.lang.Integer" value-type="java.lang.Float">
            <entry key="1" value="5"/>
            <entry key="2" value="10"/>
            <entry key="3" value="15"/>             


This map refers to other beans as

<bean id="config" class="com.example.Config" abstract="false">      
    <property name="sampleMap" ref="sampleMap"/>


I just want to get the map values ​​from a database table and want to insert them into other classes. How can I do this in spring. Basically, this table contains data related to the application. Map key and values ​​will be int, Configuration.

What's the best place to load configuration data? can we do with the map the spring beans or is there any other good approach to load the configuration from the database and reference it elsewhere in the application like service, delegate and DAO?

Help would be appreciated



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3 answers

You have to use spring FactoryBean


public class MyHashMapFactoryBean implements FactoryBean<Map<Integer, Float>>{

  private Datasource datasource; 

  public Map<Integer, Float> getObject(){
    return <load from database>;

  public Class<Map> getObjectType() { return Map.class ; }

  public boolean isSingleton() { return true; }

<bean id="sampleMap" class="my.package.MyHashMapFactoryBean">
  <here you could pass some properties e.g. jdbc datasource>




FactoryBean's answer is correct, but it's the old way of doing things .

Use the class instead @Configuration

public class DBConfiguration{

    private DataSource dataSource;

    public Map<Integer, Float> configMap(){
        // use dataSource to get map values



One of the many advantages of this approach is that you can autwire DataSource

into a config class.

By the way, using the map as a bean doesn't seem right. I would create a wrapper object around the map and use it as a Spring Bean, but opinions differ on this.



what I really learned today is that when you need a bean namemap for instances of a particular interface, there is no need for @Qualifier

any kind of code FactoryBean

. Spring will find and suggest candidates for you. A bit of magic, but it looks like it works.



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