Vim: cannot get pathogen to load bundles

I read five more questions about this on Stackoverflow, github, etc. but was unable to resolve the issue and completely lost at this point.

I am on Ubuntu 11.10 with Vim 7.3.

Here's my .vimrc

set nocp
call pathogen#infect()
syntax on
filetype plugin indent on
call pathogen#infect()
colorscheme xoria256
set rnu
set expandtab
set tabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2
set cindent
set virtualedit=all


pathogen.vim is in ~ / .vim / autoload and I have vim-jade and vim-surround in ~ / .vim / bundle /

I have no errors running vim index.jade I just don't have syntax highlighting and cannot use vim surround commands.

Any help would rock! I've been doing this for several hours.


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2 answers

You only need one pathogen challenge, and this must happen before you complete filetype plugin indent on


This version of yours ~/.vimrc

should work.

set nocompatible
call pathogen#infect()
syntax on
filetype plugin indent on
colorscheme xoria256
set relativenumber
set expandtab
set tabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2
set cindent
set virtualedit=all




  • Create a directory complete with your plugin name

    mkdir ~ / .vim / bundle / surround /

  • Unpack the plugin into the directory you created.

    cp ~ / ~ / .vim / bundle / surround / cd ~ / .vim / bundle / surround / unzip rm -rf

  • Add these lines to the beginning of ~ / .vimrc

    execute pathogen # infect () syntax plugin formatting filetype on

You should now be able to use the surround.vim plugin.



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