Count files matching pattern using GREP

I am on a windows server and installed GREP to win. I need to count the number of filenames that match (or don't match) a particular pattern. I don't need all the filenames listed, I just want the total number of matches. The tree structure I will be looking for is quite large, so I would like to keep as much processing as possible.

I'm not very familiar with grep, but it looks like I can use the -l option to find filenames that match a given pattern. So, for example, I could use

$grep -l -r this *.doc*


to find all MS files in the current folder and all child folders. Then this will return me a list of all these files. I don't want to list, I just want to count the number of items found. Is this possible with GREP ... or some other tool?



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1 answer

On linux, you will use

grep -l -r this .doc | wc -l


to get the number of printed lines

Although -r.doc does not search for all text files, you must use --include "* doc".

And if you don't have wc, you can use grep again to count the number of matches:

grep -l -r --include "*doc" this . | grep -c .




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