Which NMEA Sentence Should I Use

GPS I am using the output of several NMEA sentences that I can use for positional data. (GPGGA and GPRMC). Is there a reason why I should use one over the other? Should I check them and compare the data? Can I just pick one to use at random?

At this point, I'm only interested in lat / lon and time.

If it is not clear what I am asking, let me know and I will try to clarify.


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1 answer

The data in both cases will be the same. If this is not the case, it is due to the timing of sending messages.

The reason they are both posted is for compatibility and because they contain different data for some fields. If you just need lat / lon and time, then any sentence is ok. I would go with GPRMC since all NMEA GPS devices sent this sentence.

