Tricky MySQL Recursive Query

I have a table that has 2 columns usersID

and theirssiblingID

What is the best way to find all the siblings of a given user?

The problem is complex. Here's an example.

User 1 has 5 siblings (2,3,4,5,6)

The table looks like this:

1     | 2
1     | 3
6     | 5
5     | 3
3     | 1
4     | 6



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4 answers


with recursive tree (userid, siblingid) as
   select userid, 
   from users
   where userId = 1
   union all 
   select c.userid,
   from users c
     join tree p on p.userid c.siblingId
select *
from tree;


For Oracle 11.2 and SQL Server which did not explicitly look at the ANSI specs, you need to remove the keyword recursive

(it is required by the standard)



The answer, even using more than one SQL statement, was much more complicated than I thought.

Simple answer to your question: create a table with all sister relationships. Then you can simply request this as:

select siblingid
from @allsiblings sa
where sa.userid = 3   


One note. I use SQL Server syntax, simply because it is the most user-friendly database. I only use functionality in MySQL, so it's easy to translate.

How do I create the @AllSiblings table? Well, just keep adding sibling pairs that don't exist until they are gone. We get couples by doing our own pairing.

Here is the code (subject to the previous caveat):

declare @allsiblings table (userid integer, siblingid integer);

declare @siblings table (userId int, siblingID int);

-- Initialize the @siblings table    
insert into @siblings(userId, siblingID)
    select 1 as userID, 2 as siblingID union all
    select 1 as userID, 3 as siblingID union all
    select 6 as userID, 5 as siblingID union all
    select 5 as userID, 3 as siblingID union all
    select 3 as userID, 1 as siblingID union all
    select 4 as userID, 6 as siblingID;

-- Initialize all siblings.  Note that both pairs are going in here    
insert into @allsiblings(userid, siblingid)
    select userId, siblingid from @siblings union
    select siblingID, userid from @siblings

-- select * from @allsiblings

while (1=1)
    -- Add in new siblings, that don't exist by doing a self-join to traverse the links
    insert into @allsiblings
        select distinct sa.userid, sa2.siblingid
        from @allsiblings sa join
             @allsiblings sa2
             on sa.siblingid = sa2.userid
        where not exists (select * from @allsiblings sa3 where sa3.userid = sa.userid and sa3.siblingid = sa2.siblingid)

    -- If nothing was added, we are done        
    if (@@ROWCOUNT = 0) break;

    select * from @allsiblings;




you can simulate recursion with a loop and temp table. first insert the temp table at the beginning of the node. then when there are rows in temp table, get the first one, remove it from temp table and insert all your siblings in there ...


source!4/0ef0c/5 is an example where someone had to get all the relatives of a certain record.

The related question is here: Hierarchical query requires to pull out children, parents and siblings



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