How To: Check Frequency Weighting in Matrix Document Document, under "Topics"
I am trying to do some theme modeling using the R package topicmodels
I did some preprocessing using the "tm" package according to these instructions an R text file and a text search ... how to load the data .
However, when I go to run my Correlated Theme Model (CTM) using topicmodels
in R, I get the following error
"Error in CTM...DocumentTermMatrix needs to have a term frequency weighting.
I triple checked the structure of my DocumentTermMatrix, showing that it has a frequency weight:
A document-term matrix (26 documents, 413 terms)
Non-/sparse entries: 4804/5934
Sparsity : 55%
Maximal term length: 13
Weighting : term frequency - inverse document frequency (normalized) (tf-idf)
Any suggestions on how to get this job would be appreciated!
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