Tell gitk to pull the "busier" branch to the right
In our project we use a master branch to merge into regular feature branches (left side of the image) and additionally a long branch to integrate upstream commits (right side of the image). We use this integration branch because upstream is not a git repository, so we have a branch that always mirrors upstream (but that's not very important here).
Whenever I open gitk on this repo, it shows me the master branch to the left of the branch graph and the integration branch to the right. Instead, I would like it to have a more active branch on the right (a more busy value means more commit) so that the commit messages are closer to the commit points.
Is there a way to make gitk draw branches in a specific order? If anyone hits the gitk source, I wouldn't mind some kind of fix that would require me to compile gitk myself.
I know that after merging, git can no longer recognize which branches were made; I used the word "branch" above in a purely graphical sense. Gitk has to somehow figure out what is capturing in order to draw which "strip" (column) of the graphic, and I would like to influence that.
(Sorry for the long image)
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If the left branch is where the current local HEAD is, you can try to call that gitk log
with the first checkout of the branch (I realize this is a bad option, but my point: gitk
won't do that for you).
However, as far as I know, it gitk
does not display one branch and not the other, or detects the "busiest" one. Log options can affect the presentation of the commit history (for example, in Visualizing branch topology in git ").
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