Can't connect to MySQL database from C ++ program using MySQL Connector / C ++: exception thrown

I have a problem connecting to a MySQL database from a C ++ program:

std::string server, user, password;
SetParams(server, user, password);
boost::shared_ptr<sql::Connection> conn;
sql::Driver *driver = get_driver_instance();

if(driver == 0) { /* error; never reached */ }

try {
    conn.reset(driver->connect(server, user, password));

    assert(conn != 0);

    if(!conn->isClosed())    // <-- exception thrown
        // Connection established
    else {
        // Connection failed
catch (sql::SQLException &e)
    cerr << e.what << e.getErrorCode() << e.getSQLState() << endl;


The function sql::Connection::isClosed()

throws this exception:

SQLException: Connection has been closed  
MySQL error code: 0  
SQLState: HY000


The values ​​for server, user and password are correct (they work with MySQL-Workbench), the database is up and running.

I don't know where else to look ... Thanks.

Linux - OpenSuse 11.4
MySQL 5.x
MySQL Connector / ++ 1.0.5

Since I read somewhere about possible conflicts between MySQL Connector / C ++ and Boost, I tried using a simple pointer instead of boost :: shared_ptr. Nothing changed.

Update 2:
Extract this code from the main program, the connection is successful.
I have to look at the big picture ...


source to share

2 answers

Cutting and pasting the code to access the database in a new test project, everything works fine.
No exception is thrown and the connection is established.

This means that I have to see what happens in the rest of the project.



Check this link

The problem is the connection you are creating with db

    driver = get_driver_instance();
    /* create a database connection using the Driver */
    con = driver -> connect(url, user, password);
    /* alternate syntax using auto_ptr to create the db connection */
    //auto_ptr  con (driver -> connect(url, user, password));
    /* turn off the autocommit */
    con -> setAutoCommit(0);
    cout << "\nDatabase connection\ autocommit mode = " << con -> getAutoCommit() << endl;
    /* select appropriate database schema */
    con -> setSchema(database);




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