After you have recently installed Inuit compass, we will get an error when launching "compass clock",

We have just created a compass project as described in the compass-intuition guide . When we now start "observing the compass" we get the following error message:

user@VirtualXubuntu:/tmp/compass-test/my_project$ compass watch
>>> Change detected at 12:23:22 to: sass/style.scss
    error sass/sass/style.scss (Line 99: Invalid CSS after "}​": expected "{", was "")
identical stylesheets/sass/style.css 
>>> Compass is polling for changes. Press Ctrl-C to Stop.


I actually don't know what this error means - since I'm new to compass ...

Version Information:

Ubuntu 12.10 [amd64]
ruby 1.9.3p194 (2012-04-20 version 35410) [x86_64-linux]
Compass 0.12.2 (Alnilam)


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1 answer

This is fixed in a newer version of the extension. Refresh by running gem install compass-inuit -v

, then create a new project by running:

compass create my_project -r compass-inuit --using compass-inuit

I believe that the reason for this error is one of the parentheses, it is not a parenthesis, but an inserted character. This causes the compiler to skip it and assume that the selector is not closed.

Sorry for the hassle.



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