JavaScript relative path of AJAX call

I have a script containing PHP and JavaScript files. All of these files are located in the root folder /myfolder


Let's say a script that is supposed to include on my site /myfolder/script.js

, the problem is that in script.js

I have ajax calls to ../myfolder/ajax.php

which, since the path will be relative to the page, the script will not be included if I had something like this on the page /a/b/page.php


<script src="../../myfolder/script.js><script>

because this will call the ajax method from ../myfolder/ajax.php

as specified in the AJAX call, which in this case is /a/myfolder/ajax.php


How can I rewrite the AJAX call url so that it always points to the right file, no matter where it is included script.js





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1 answer

 * returns the current context path,
 * ex: http://localhost:8080/MyApp/Controller returns /MyApp/
 * ex: http://localhost:8080/MyApp returns /MyApp/
 * ex: returns /
function getContextPath() {
    var ctx = window.location.pathname,
        path = '/' !== ctx ? ctx.substring(0, ctx.indexOf('/', 1) + 1) : ctx;
    return path + (/\/$/.test(path) ? '' : '/');


at a url like


getContextPath() + 'myfolder/ajax.php'


will return /ajax/myfolder/ajax.php

similarly for the url, for example


getContextPath() + 'myfolder/ajax.php'


will return /myfolder/ajax.php

Finally, to a url like


getContextPath() + 'myfolder/ajax.php'


will return /myfolder/ajax.php



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