Using a decorator to add a return of an inner function with an added property

I have a large number of functions that are executed as tests when trying to save an object, so I am creating a way to make it more convenient to register these methods as constraints (tests) on the object.

I am confused about using decorators in my solution. What I was going to do:

  • Create a decorator adding a property to a method on an object
  • Decorate the techniques that I want to mark as constraints.
  • End all methods of my object and call execute whatever the flag has

Using a decorator doesn't work, but adding a flag by my author does.

Here is the code:

from functools import wrap

def constraint(func):
    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
        func._is_constraint = True  # Here after returning the function I add a flag
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return inner

class Record(object):
    param1 = 100  # some defaults
    param2 = 20

    @constraint  # This dont works
    def check_test1(self):
        if param1 < 0:
            return 'No value less than zero'

    # This works fine
    def check_test2(self):
        if param2 < 0:
            return 'No value less than zero'
    check_test2._is_constraint = True

    def a_random_method(self):
        print 'some random thing'


So I am trying like:

>>> rec = Record()
>>> rec.param1 = -100
>>> rec.param2 = -100
>>> for prop in dir(rec):
...     if hasattr(getattr(rec, prop), '_is_constraint'):
...         constraint = getattr(rec, prop)
...             print prop, constraint()
'check_param2: No value less than zero'


See check_param1 failed.

So how can I get it to work with decorators? possibly?

I am trying to use in this particular case


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1 answer

Ok, the first thing I see is you want to add a parameter to the function object in the decorator, not a closure; the closure is called when the function is called from the decorated scope, so marking it in the closure does this after the fact:

def constraint(func):
    func._is_constraint = True
    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return inner


Also, if all you're doing is directly calling func on the closure without adding any functionality, just flagging it, the closure is completely redundant:

 def constraint(func):
    func._is_constraint = True
    return func


In this case, you can be better served by a different pattern:

class ConstraintsType(type):

    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):

        attrs['constraint_names'] = []
        for attr in attrs:
            if attr.startswith('constraint_'):
        return super(ConstraintsType, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)

class Constraints(object):

    __metaclass__ = ConstraintsType

    def constraints(self):

        for name in self.constraint_names:
            yield getattr(self, name)

class Record(Constraints):

    def __init__(self, params=(100, 20)):

        self.params = params

    def constraint_greater_than_0(self, value):

        return value > 0

   def run(self):

       for index, value in enumerate(self.params):
           for func in self.constraints:
               if not func(value):
                   print 'param %d (%s) did not satisfy constraint %s' % (index, value, func.__name__)

for value_set in ((-100, -100), (0, 0), (-1,1), (1,-1)):




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