
Ember-pre4 helper not passing browser event?

Hi I have the following code in my template:

<div {{action "play" this target="view"}}>{{title}}</div>


and the following code in my opinion:

MB3.PlaylistView = Ember.View.extend({
  play: function(event) {


the parameter event passed to the play function is now a playlist model (passed as "this" in the above action example)

In Ember-pre2, a parameter passed to an action handler received a browser event with attributes like currentTarget

etc and the property context that the model was in.

How can I access parameters like currentTarget

in ember-pre4?


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2 answers

This ticket also discusses a lot:


The recommended solution would be to create a custom view and then define a click handler. The click handler will be passed to the event as the first argument.

MB3.PlayButtonView = Em.View.extend({
  click: function(event){
  ... click handler




this is by intent but there is an improvement issue for this, see https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/issues/1986



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