Phong reflection model parameters

Q: Can anyone call me the Phong reflection model parameters for a face image taken for a webcam?


I am doing 3D reconstruction of 2D images using the 3D Morphable Model as in this article by Vetter and Blanz, 2003 .

There is a cost function that needs to be optimized using the Newton method. I need to give initialization values ​​for Newton's method.

The equation below represents the fog reflection model of an image. Ambient, diffuse, and special components are displayed.

enter image description here

Phong Reflection wiki

Phong parameters: Ks, Kd, ​​Ka, α, Lm, V

I am evaluating the above parameters using Newton's method. The image has a human face and the camera is a webcam.

I gave the following values: Ks = Kd = Ka = 0.6 α = 5 Lm = [0 1 1] V = [0 0 1]

Can anyone comment on the above values ​​and what might be a good initialization value for parameters


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1 answer

My boss had a Siggraph document a few years ago that suggests an online tool that extracts a specific BRDF barcode for a Blinn-Phong model, based on gender, skin type, etc. The tool is available at:

Alternatively you can check the Matusik BRDF database fittings at: and pick one BRDF that "looks" like leather (they didn't measure leather, since we used balls).



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