JSF2 + CDI @Produces keeping old session state

I have an AuthenticatorBean declared like this:

public class AutenticadorBean implements Serializable {

    private AutenticadorService autenticadorService;


This bean calls a method inside the AutenticadorService that validates that user's credentials and @Produces in the session as shown below:

public class AutenticadorServiceImpl implements AutenticadorService, Serializable {

    private AnalistaRepository analistaRepository;

    private Analista analistaSessao;

    public void inserirSessaoDadosLogin(String login) {
          analistaSessao = analistaRepository.buscaPorUserName(login);

    public Analista getAnalistaSessao() {
          return analistaSessao;


The first time I log into the app, it produces a user in session, but the problem is after logging out and logging back in with a different user and try

Analista analistaSessao 


inside another service, the attribute is loaded by the first user before I log out. But if I access analistaSessao directly in AutenticadorService.getAnalistaSessao (); it returns the desired user, which is the second I logged in.

Here's my exit code:

public String logout() throws IOException {
    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();  
    ExternalContext ex = facesContext.getExternalContext();  
    return "/home?faces-redirect=true&logout=true";


Does anyone know the reason for this behavior?



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1 answer

I think what you have done should work because you are invalidating the session.

try removing @Produces and @Named in getAnalistaSessao () from your AutenticadorServiceImpl and add this @Model class to your code.

public class AnalistaProducer {

    private AutenticadorService autenticadorService;

    public Analista getAnalistaSessao() {
          return autenticadorService.getAnalistaSessao();




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