How in Delphi dxDBGrid can I change the color of one row?

Basically the client wants to change the color of one row in Delphi dxDBGrid. No row property like columns.

Any ideas?


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3 answers

Sorry, just use the OnCustomDraw event. Friday morning.



You can use styles. The DevExpres grid in DBTableView has an event named: OnGetContentStyle in the Styles section.

You can create two styles at design time and apply the desired style at runtime.

procedure TFormBrBase.DBTableViewStylesGetContentStyle(
  Sender: TcxCustomGridTableView; ARecord: TcxCustomGridRecord;
  AItem: TcxCustomGridTableItem; out AStyle: TcxStyle);


With ARecord, you can access the actual values ​​of a record. With these values, you define and change the value of the AStyle (out) parameter. This line is colored with this style.


Germán Estévez



I am using the grid event OnCustomDrawCell like:

If ANode.Values[SomeColumnName.Index] = SomeValue then
  AFont.Color := clRed;


It is assumed to be the QuantumGrid v3 you are talking about. If it's v4 or later, then the answer pointing you to cxStyles is correct.



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