Highchart total in tooltip

I am using this code to display a generic prompt:

tooltip: {
    crosshairs: true,
    shared: true,
    headerFormat: 'KW {point.key}<table>',
    pointFormat: '<tr><td style=\"color: {series.color}\">{series.name}: <b></td><td>{point.y} USD</b></td></tr>',
    useHTML: true,
    footerFormat: '</table>',
    valueDecimals: 2


Now I like to add all point.y values ​​as the total point value. But how can I loop the .y point of each series to calculate the total?


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3 answers

Exceptionally, see example: http://jsfiddle.net/65bpvudh/7/

tooltip: {
    formatter: function() {
        var s = '<b>'+ this.x +'</b>',
            sum = 0;

        $.each(this.points, function(i, point) {
            s += '<br/>'+ point.series.name +': '+
                point.y +'m';
            sum += point.y;

        s += '<br/>Sum: '+sum

        return s;
    shared: true




The simplest is to use the common point property:

tooltip: {
    formatter: function() {
        var s = '<b>'+ this.x +'</b>';
        $.each(this.points, function(i, point) {
            s += '<br/>'+ point.series.name +': '+ point.y;
        s += '<br/>Total: '+ this.points[0].total
        return s;
    shared: true

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Use property footerFormat

(since 2.2) with {point.total}

to easily show the total without having to override the full formatter


tooltip: {
    footerFormat: 'Sum: <b>{point.total}</b>',
    shared: true,




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