TSQL how to specify range of list columns for PIVOT?

Following is a SELECT statement from a stored procedure . I use to fetch data which is then sent to JSON:

    SELECT CAST(DateTimeUTC as SmallDateTime) as [DateTime], DataValue, VariableID
    FROM DataValues
    WHERE SiteID = @siteID and VariableID BETWEEN 9 and 10 and DateTimeUTC >= DATEADD (day, @pastDays, getdate())
     ) TableDate
PIVOT (SUM(DataValue) FOR VariableID IN ([9],[10])) PivotTable ORDER BY [DateTime]


What I would like to do is change the procedure to accept a range of columns to rotate. In the above example, I am only getting the values ​​for two variables. What if I want to get VariableIDs from 1 to 10 or from 1 to 50? There must be a way to get 1 to 10 in a way other than:

 VariableID IN ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9],[10])


The use of PIVOT and UNPIVOT on MSDN does not mention a way to specify a range.

I understand that it is possible to use dynamic SQL in a stored procedure, but given my own knowledge of SQL and the knowledge of those who will have to maintain this long term, I hesitate to introduce additional complexity with dynamic SQL. There is a conceptually similar question here, see TSQL Pivot Long List of Columns , which was answered with a dynamic SQL solution.

sql-server tsql pivot

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1 answer

Unfortunately the function PIVOT

has no way to generate a list of columns without using dynamic sql.

So your SQL code will be like this:

    @query  AS NVARCHAR(MAX)

select @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME(VariableID) 
                    from DataValues
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
            ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 

set @query = 'SELECT [DateTime], ' + @cols + ' from 
                SELECT CAST(DateTimeUTC as SmallDateTime) as [DateTime], 
                FROM DataValues
                WHERE SiteID = '+cast(@siteID as varchar(10))+'
                    -- and VariableID BETWEEN 9 and 10 -- remove the variableID filter
                    and DateTimeUTC >= DATEADD (day, +'cast(@pastDays as varchar(10))+', getdate())
            ) x
                for VariableID in (' + @cols + ')
            ) p '



The key to this is the following code, which generates the list variableIds

to become columns:

select @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME(VariableID) 
                    from DataValues
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
            ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 


This will create a list of all distinct

id variables. This list is then appended to the SQL query string to return.


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