SQL Server "FOR XML" is derived from queries joining two tables

I am new to the "FOR XML" function in SQL Server. I am using SQL Server 2012.

I have two tables, Word and Word_Expansion.

Sample data:

table [Word]:

WordOID   Word
-------   ----    
      1   PIPE
      2   WIRE


table [Word_Expansion]:

WEOID  fk_WordOID  Word_Expansion
-----  ----------  --------------
    1          2             COAX
    2          2    SPEAKER CABLE
    3          1          CONDUIT


Now I would like to create XML something like:

  <sub>SPEAKER CABLE</sub>


I've done my best to create XML FOR statements, but I just can't figure out what I need to do to get these two tables aligned to correct XML output. I'll dig further into the XML FOR syntax, but if you have a moment and know this well ...

Does anyone have any directions as to what I should try?


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2 answers

This should do the trick for you:


SELECT Word Sub,      
             SELECT Word_Expansion  AS Sub   
             FROM Word_Expansion WE
             WHERE WE.fk_WordOID = W.WordOID 
             FOR XML PATH(''), type 
FOR XML PATH ('Expansion')   


XML output:



Although I'm not sure why you want Word.Word to be classified as "Sub"? Shouldn't that be the parent of the Word_Expansion (which should be sub?)

EDIT: I found this link quite useful when looking in FOR XML and nested queries Nested FOR XML



Here's mine ... I supported the first post because it was the fastest, but it's a little different, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to add mine ...

With    groupedWords
        Select  WordOID, 
        From    Word
        Select  fk_WordOID, Word_Expansion
        From    Word_Expansion
Select (Select  s.word As sub 
        From    groupedWords s 
        Where   s.WordOID = n.WordOID 
        For     Xml Path(''), Type)
From    groupedWords n
Group   By n.WordOID
For     Xml Path('expansion')




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