How do I plot a histogram with a custom distribution?

In an old statistics textbook, I found an age distribution table for the population of a country:

        Percent of
 Age population
 0-5 8
 5-14 18
14-18 8
18-21 5
21-25 6
25-35 12
35-45 11
45-55 11
55-65 9
65-75 6
75-85 4

I wanted to plot this distribution as a histogram in R and age ranges as discontinuities and population percentage as density, but there doesn't seem to be an easy way to do this. The R function hist()

wants you to provide individual data points, not a precomputed distribution, for example.

This is how I did it.

# Copy original textbook table into two data structures
ageRanges <- list(0:5, 5:14, 14:18, 18:21, 21:25, 25:35, 35:45, 45:55, 55:65, 65:75, 75:85)
pcPop <- c(8, 18, 8, 5, 6, 12, 11, 11, 9, 6, 4)
# Make up "fake" age data points from the distribution described by the table
ages <- lapply(1:length(ageRanges), function(i) {
    ageRange <- ageRanges[[i]]
    round(runif(pcPop[i] * 100, min=ageRange[1], max=ageRange[length(ageRange)-1]), 0)
ages <- unlist(ages)
# Use the endpoints of the age class intervals as breaks for the histogram
breaks <- append(0, sapply(ageRanges, function(x) x[length(x)]))
hist(ages, breaks=breaks)


It seems like there should be a less verbose / hacky way to get around this.

EDIT: FWIW, this is what the resulting histogram looks like:



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2 answers

This should get what you want:

test <- read.table(textConnection("age popperc
0-5 8
5-14 18
14-18 8
18-21 5
21-25 6
25-35 12
35-45 11
45-55 11
55-65 9
65-75 6
75-85 4"),header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

midval <- sapply(strsplit(test$age,"-"),function(x) mean(as.numeric(x)))
breakval <- strsplit(test$age,"-")
breakval <- as.numeric(c(sapply(breakval,head,1),tail(unlist(breakval),1)))


enter image description here

You can also define your own histogram object class

and then just plot

what if you just want to plot frequencies, not densities:

# define the histogram object and plot it
histres <- list(
equidist = TRUE
class(histres) <- "histogram"


enter image description here



As the comment says, use barplot

. You can specify the width inbarplot

barplot(pcPop,  width = seq(0,85,5),space=0)




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