Which has the least collision for a unique str: md5 or sha1

I want to create a unique hash for a given string and I was wondering if there is a difference in the duplicate hashes for md5 and sha1.

Lets use the following code for the argument:

foo = "gdfgkldng"
bar = "fdsfdsf"
>>>> "25f709d867523ff6958784d399f138d9"
>>>> "25f709d867523ff6958784d399f138d9"


Is there a difference in the likelihood of this between sha1 and md5? Also: if I use strings with a lot of overlap ("blabla1", "blabla2") is there a difference?

BTW. I am not interested in the security of algorithms, I just want to create a hash that is as unique as possible.


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1 answer

MD5 has a digest size of 128 bits. SHA-1 has a digest size of 160 bits. Even ignoring the discovered flaws, MD5 will produce more collisions just because it has less output space.

Consider SHA-256 instead; it has a digest size of 256 bits (obviously), and furthermore, it hasn't been broken in a meaningful way.



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