Meteoric aptana and patterns

I am using aptana for coding with meteor in windows (it has a nice SSH / FTP ota edit so I use it). But tags <template>

are a meteor function, so warnings are issued when used.

Is there a better Windows editor for handling my files using SSH / FTP? Or an even better way to add <template>

to aptana?

enter image description here

Warning specifically:

enter image description here

Since the templates encapsulate all the html, things get underlined!

meteor aptana

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2 answers

If you go to Window > Preferences > Aptana Studio > Validation

, you can go through various validators (HTML Validation Validator and HTML Tidy Validator are probably relevant to you).

In the HTML Tidy section, you can click "Elements" and change "Unrecognized Elements" from "Warning" to "Information" or "Ignore".

In HTML parsing syntax, you can add regexes for errors that should be ignored, for example in this question .


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Sublime Text 2 is a good editor for Javascript code.

Although it is not supported by FTP by default, you can configure it using the instructions here .

Hope it helps.


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