C # how to compare two strings that have matching letters but they have spaces

Here is my code below, how can I make if

return true as it is currently missing a statement if

because there is a space in the string values.

string instrucType = "FM";
string tenInstrucType = "FM ";
if (tenInstrucType.Equals(instrucType))
    blLandlordContactNumberHeader.Visible = true;
    lblLandlordContactNumber.Text = landlordData.LandlordContact.DefPhone;
    lblLandlordEmailHeader.Visible = true;
    lblLandlordEmail.Text = landlordData.LandlordContact.DefEmail;



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5 answers

Use the Trim function:

if (tenInstrucType.Trim().Equals(instrucType.Trim()))


This will only trim off the ends. If there is an option in the middle, use Replace.



If the space is only at the end of the line, trim both lines:

if (tenInstrucType.Trim().Equals(instrucType.Trim()))


If you want to ignore all whitespace characters, you can remove them from the string:

string normalized1 = Regex.Replace(tenInstrucType, @"\s", "");
string normalized2 = Regex.Replace(instrucType, @"\s", "");

if (normalized1 == normalized2) // note: you may use == and Equals(), as you like
    // ....




Try the following condition:

if (tenInstrucType.Replace(" ",string.Empty).Equals(instrucType.Replace(" ",string.Empty))




Trim lines:

if (tenInstrucType.Trim().Equals(instrucType.Trim()))




if (tenInstrucType.Replace(" ","").Equals(instrucType.Replace(" ","")))


using Trim

might seem right for this case, but note that it Trim

only removes leading or trailing spaces; interior spaces are not removed.



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