Store name of root element in Jackson generated JSON

I am using Jackson 1.9.7 to generate some JSON from my Java objects.

Here is my method for serializing an object to JSON:

public String constructJson(Object object)
        throws EvaluationException {
    try {


        return objectMapper.writeValueAsString(object);

    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOGGER.error("Error", e);
        throw new EvaluationException("Error", e);


I am passing in a java object that is generated from an XSD schema but has no annotation @XmlRootElement

. Is there a way to tell Jackson to keep the name of this object?

The following is currently being generated:

{"": {
    "generatedId": "EA7EB141D9454433B5E24F374BF25118",....


While it should be:

{"theNameOfTheRoot": {
    "generatedId": "EA7EB141D9454433B5E24F374BF25118",....


My class, which I pass as root for the mapper object, looks like this:

@XmlType(name = "EvaluationType", propOrder = {
public class EvaluationType {


So maybe there is a way to tell Jackson to take the name from the annotation @XmlType

? Does anyone know how to solve this?


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2 answers

If you put @XmlRootElement(name="EvaluationType")

at the beginning of a class definition, it should provide a name. Or are you stating that for some reason you cannot add @XmlRootElement

to your class?


Jackson 2 will use the class name for the JSON key if not @XmlRootElement

. Jackson 2 requires a new set of maven dependencies, specifically:







for version 2.6 use below

ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
JaxbAnnotationModule module = new JaxbAnnotationModule();




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