How to enable Oracle 11g XA

We recently migrated to Oracle 11g from MSSQL and quite completely to that. Can anyone tell me how to enable XA transactions in Oracle? From what I've put together, I think I need to run initjvm.sql and initxa.sql, but I'm not entirely sure. Is there a way to do this through Enterprise Manager? Also, what is the XA driver class called? Is it oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADatasource?


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1 answer

Read this official Oracle article:

And this:

And . You must execute $ ORACLE_HOME / rdbms / admin / xaview.sql as sysdba in order to create the generated XA views.

Possibly a Metalink comment: Required Grants for Retail Integration Bus Distributed XA Transaction-467466.1 Would Help.



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