Replacing Makefile line in dependency doesn't work

I have a folder structure where all my source files are in. / src / and all my object files are in. / obj / (with the same internal directory structure mirrored using path overrides). I created the following makefile:

    @echo Linking $(EXECUTABLE)...

%.o: $(subst o,cpp,$(subst obj/,src/,$@))
    @echo Building $@...
    $(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $(subst o,cpp,$(subst obj/,src/,$@)) -o $@


What does not work! Make sure the object files are up to date, even if the original file is actually older than the object file. On the other hand, if I do this:

obj/main.o: src/main.cpp
    @echo Building $@...
    $(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) -c src/main.cpp -o $@


For every source file, it works great. I have checked and the two subst

give the same result (obj / main.o becomes src / main.cpp as expected). However, Make doesn't accept the dependency for some reason.

This gives me a lot of grief, can anyone explain where I am going wrong? I don't understand what's going on, I thought my replacement would work the same as it gives the same result. Am I not allowed to use subst

or $@

in dependencies or something?


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1 answer

You cannot use $@

in prerequisites, only in commands.

But you can do this:

$(OBJECTS): obj/%.o : src/%.cpp
    @echo Building $@ from $<...
    $(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $< -o $@




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