Python matplotlib label index based on loop counter

I am using python and matplotlib to generate graphical output. I am creating multiple plots inside a loop and would like the loop counter to serve as an index on the y-axis label. How do I get the loop counter (variable) so that it appears as an index?

Here's what I have:

axis_ylabel = plt.ylabel(u"\u03b1 [\u00b0]", rotation='horizontal', position=(0.0,0.9))

as a result:

Ξ± [Β°]

(I am using unicode instead of Tex because dvipng is not available on this system.)

I would like something like this:

for i in range(1,3):  
  axis_ylabel = plt.ylabel(u"\u03b1" + str(i) + u" [\u00b0]", rotation='horizontal', position=(0.0,0.9))


Not surprisingly, this gives:

Ξ±1 [Β°]
Ξ±2 [Β°]

What I really want are numbers that are indices. How to concatenate conversion to string using command to create index? The unicode include "_" is not used to create the index. Also, I still need python / matplotlib to figure out that this command-index should affect the next variable. Any thoughts?


I've come this far:

axis_ylabel = plt.ylabel(u"\u03b1" + r"$_" + str(i) + r"$" + u" [\u00b0]", rotation='horizontal', position=(0.0,0.9))  


- this results in an index character. However, this is NOT an integer conversion, but a different character.

Edit 2
I am using python 2.6.6 and matplotlib Inserting any line into <>

in r"$<>$"

will not display this line, but will be a completely different character. I posted this issue as a new question .


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1 answer

Matplotlib ships its own math expression engine called mathtext

From the doc:

Note that you do not need to install TeX as matplotlib ships its own TeX expression tag, layout engine and fonts.

So maybe try using the following:

for i in range(1,3):
           r"$\alpha_{:d} [\degree]$".format(i),


You can also use Unicode in mathtext


If a particular character does not have a name (as is true of many more hidden characters in STIX fonts), Unicode characters can also:





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