Can I CURL POST files generated with PHP tmpfile?

Assuming I have an array of file descriptors created with PHP's tmpfile () function, can I send files as attachments using PHP curl?

I used to create an associative array of the form $ postdata [fieldname] = '@path_to_file', but since I can't figure out the path to the tmpfile (I only have a handle), I'm at a loss.

Motivation: I don't want to separately flush the contents of these tmpfiles from disk. I feel like the behavior of the tmpfile suits this purpose, but the curl component complicates things.

Consideration after answer: Jay's answer cleans up this, but I ran into the downside of the tmpfile transaction abort: the "cleanup" behavior is skipped in case of FATAL or abrupt termination of the process, so manual cleanup would be necessary as a fail-safe. I don't think there is a way to bypass the filesystem traversal process and ensure that everything is cleaned up, tmpfile or not.


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1 answer

Check out:

You can do the following:

$t = tmpfile();
$a = stream_get_meta_data($t);

$filename = $a['uri'];


This question is similar to: Getting a filename (or deleting a file) using a file descriptor



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