Calculate the increase / decrease of the cumulative from the local minimum / max.

I am learning R (and its trading problem app via quantmod lib) and regularly browse the community for a lot of new knowledge and tricks here. My impression of R in general and quantmod lib in particular is amazing.

At this point, I need the help of experienced R users. I am using timers loaded via getSymbols and I need to calculate the cumulative rise / drawdown from the local low / high accordingly.

I can solve my problem using FOR loops and also do the necessary modeling in MS Excel, but I want to find a simpler solution that does not require FOR loops and is more "native" in R.

Example. Input data:

20121121    79810
20121122    79100
20121123    80045
20121126    81020
20121127    80200
20121128    81350
20121129    81010
20121130    80550
20121203    80780
20121204    81700
20121205    83705
20121206    83350
20121207    83800
20121210    85385



            CLOSE   Cumulative gr/dd
20121121    79810   N/A
20121122    79100   0.58%
20121123    80045   1.55%
20121126    81020   2.37%
20121127    80200   -0.10%
20121128    81350   0.06%
20121129    81010   -0.76%
20121130    80550   -0.82%
20121203    80780   0.73%
20121204    81700   3.78%
20121205    83705   5.19%
20121206    83350   -1.50%
20121207    83800   1.67%
20121210    85385   2.22%



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4 answers

Finally I managed to solve this. Dirk and Darren, thanks a lot for your comments - the "maxdrawdown" feature from the PerformanceAnalytics suite was not exactly what I wanted, but it got me looking at PerformanceAnalytics and doing a search through that site and the web. The findDrawdowns function from the same package, which was close to my need, but was not what I was looking for anyway (this requires updating the last high to start calculating a new drawdown, while I even need local highs and lows to your account). After doing further testing and mistakes, I made my own code that solves my problem without FOR loops. :) Here is the code. As a bonus, it returns a vector with the number of bars of constant rise / fall of the asset. I will be glad if anyone can advise on how to improve it.

library(tseries) <- function(x) {
  tmp <- x
  tmp[] <- 0


my.cumulative.grdd <- function(asset) {
  # creating list for temporary data
  tmp <- list()
  #   tmp$asset.lag <- na.locf(lag(asset), fromLast=TRUE)

  # calculating ROC for the asset + getting ROC shifted by 1 element to the left and to the right
  # to compare ROC[i] and ROC[i+1] and ROC[i-1]
  tmp$asset.roc <-
  tmp$asset.roc.lag <-$asset.roc))
  tmp$asset.roc.lag1 <- na.locf(lag(tmp$asset.roc, k=-1))

  # calculating indices of consequent growth/drawdown waves start and end
  tmp$indexfrom <- sapply(index(tmp$asset.roc[sign(tmp$asset.roc) * sign(tmp$asset.roc.lag) <= 0]), function(i) which(index(tmp$asset.roc) == i), simplify=TRUE)
  tmp$indexto <- c(sapply(index(tmp$asset.roc[sign(tmp$asset.roc) * sign(tmp$asset.roc.lag1) <= 0]), function(i) which(index(tmp$asset.roc.lag1) == i), simplify=TRUE), length(index(tmp$asset.roc)))

  # this is necessary to work around ROC[1] = 1
  tmp$indexfrom <- tmp$indexfrom[-2]
  tmp$indexto <- tmp$indexto[-1]

  # calculating dates of waves start/end based on indices
  tmp$datesfrom <- (sapply(tmp$indexfrom, FUN=function(x) format(index(asset)[x])))
  tmp$datesto <- (sapply(tmp$indexto, FUN=function(x) format(index(asset)[x])))
  tmp$dates <- apply(cbind(tmp$indexfrom, tmp$indexto), 2, FUN=function(x) format(index(asset)[x]))

  # merging dates for selection (i.e. "2012-01-02::2012-01-05") and calculation of cumulative product
  tmp$txtdates <- paste(tmp$datesfrom, tmp$datesto, sep="::")
  # extracting consequent growth/drawdowns
  tmp$drawdowns.sequences <- lapply(tmp$txtdates, function(i) tmp$asset.roc[i])
  # calculating cumulative products for extracted sub-series
  tmp$drawdowns.sequences.cumprods <- lapply(tmp$drawdowns.sequences, function(x) cumprod(1+x)-1)

  # generating final result
  result <- list()
  result$len <- tmp$indexto - tmp$indexfrom + 1
  result$cumgrdd <- xts(unlist(tmp$drawdowns.sequences.cumprods), index(tmp$asset.roc))


# let test
getSymbols("SPY", from="2012-01-01") <- Cl(SPY)
spy.grdd <- my.cumulative.grdd(




The calculation is already in tseries as a function maxdrawdown

. Here's the start of his example:

mxdrwdR> # Toy example
mxdrwdR> x <- c(1:10, 9:7, 8:14, 13:8, 9:20)

mxdrwdR> mdd <- maxdrawdown(x)

mxdrwdR> mdd
[1] 6

[1] 20

[1] 26


Including that in percentages is pretty straightforward - look at the (short) code of the function itself.



you can use zig zag points to find peaks and valleys and then calculate the percentage increase / decrease. eg

    s <- get(getSymbols('goog'))["2012::"]
    z <- ZigZag(s[,2:3],10,percent=TRUE)
    # 10 in this example is the sensitivity to changes. 
    # if you want to use closing prices use s instad of s[,2:3]

    # extract the extreme points
    z <- rbind(z[findPeaks(z)-1],z[findValleys(z)-1])
    # calculate the difference
    names(z) <- c("zig")
    z$PercentChange <- ((z - Lag(z)) / z) * 100 


hope this helps



To complement Dirk's answer, the PerformanceAnalytics package has various drawdown options. Here's an excerpt from my code that also shows the height calculation (and the spice ratio as a bonus):

#x is an xts object containing OHLC data




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