Interface constructor and UITextView subclass

I am using XCode 4.6 and I am trying to replace one of my UITextViews with an SSTextView from SSToolKit in order to add a placeholder to it. SSToolkit library is correctly integrated into my project thanks to CocoaPods. So I just changed the type of the property in my view controller to be SSTextView instead of UITextView:

@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet SSTextView *commentTextView;


And of course, I also changed the class of the control in the UI designer inspector:

enter image description here

And yet, in my controller viewWillAppear: the property is still a UITextView and when I set the placeholder:

self.commentTextView.placeholder = NSLocalizedString(@"Comment", @"");


I am getting "unrecognizable setPlaceholder selector: dispatched to instance". It seems to me that I have done such things a thousand times, and yet here I cannot understand what I am forgetting.


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1 answer

I understood that. It turns out that some parts of the compiled application don't seem to get overwritten when redistributed to the simulator. So after I removed the application from the simulator and started it from scratch, it worked fine. I had other errors like missing segues and so on, so I looked this up and learned about the "uninstall application" method. Weird ...



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