What is the "default applicationContext" in Jersey?

I am using Jersey to do acceptance testing on RESTful web services. It looks like my applicationContext.xml is not loading on client load. I see the following log output:

INFO: Using default applicationContext 


Is this the "standard" soemthing file that Jersey downloads when it can't find my file? Or does it indicate that my file was found?

@ContextConfiguration(locations={"/applicationContext.xml", "/applicationContextTest.xml"})
public class BaseResourceTest extends JerseyTest {

    final static URI baseUri = UriBuilder.fromUri( "http://localhost" ).port( 9998 ).build();

    public BaseResourceTest() throws Exception {        
        super(new WebAppDescriptor.Builder("xxx.yyy.zzz").contextPath(baseUri.getPath())
                    SpringServlet.CONTEXT_CONFIG_LOCATION, "classpath:applicationContextTest.xml" )
                .servletClass(SpringServlet.class )
                .contextListenerClass( ContextLoaderListener.class )                

some tests



my web.xml:








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