Dynamically reallocating an array of structures in C

Some of my code will read in an unknown number of lines from a text file, parse that line into a structure (tempSomeStruct), resize SomeStruct_Array, and then add this tempSomeStruct to the newly opened memory location.

However, after a few times through the while loop, my program stops and says

myApplication.exe caused a breakpoint.

I didn't set a breakpoint and didn't do some digging, this LOOKS like a heap corruption breakpoint from my realloc call. I'm new to dynamic hosting, so while I searched and found several possible causes, there are still no bugs fixed.

How do I corrupt the bunch in this situation, and what do I do differently to avoid it?

I have a function like this:

int growArray(SomeStruct **SomeStruct_Array,int currentSize, int numNewElements)
    const int totalSize = currentSize + numNewElements;
    SomeStruct *temp = (SomeStruct*)realloc(*SomeStruct_Array,(totalSize * sizeof(SomeStruct)));
    if (temp == NULL)
        printf("Cannot allocate more memory.\n");
        return 0;
        *SomeStruct_Array = temp;

    return totalSize;


and it gets called elsewhere:

SomeStruct* SomeStruct_Array = (SomeStruct *) calloc(1,sizeof(SomeStruct));
int Error_Array_Size = 0;

if(SomeStruct_Array == NULL)
   printf("Cannot allocate initial memory for data\n");

while(fgets(line,sizeof(line), file) != NULL)
   parseTextIntoSomeStruct(line, &tempSomeStruct);
   SomeStruct_Array_Size = growArray(&SomeStruct_Array,SomeStruct_Array_Size,1);
   if(SomeStruct_Array_Size > 0)
      SomeStruct_Array[SomeStruct_Array_Size] = tempSomeStruct;



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1 answer

Your new size of the array SomeStruct_Array_Size

, and you will immediately write to SomeStruct_Array[SomeStruct_Array_Size]

, which is beyond the end of the array! Remember that C arrays are zero-indexed.


SomeStruct_Array[SomeStruct_Array_Size-1] = tempSomeStruct;





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