How to use str_replace to replace single and double quotes
I need to create a login in a form where the user inserts the username and password. I have to ensure that html objects are not processed and I cannot allow single quotes or double quotes to be processed. I have to echo the data entered into the form and display it.
I have to use htmlentities and str_replace. I have htmlentities correct, but I'm not sure how to use the str_replace function to replace the single and double quotes that the user can enter into the form. Any help would be awesome.
Here is my current PHP (which is working)
$username = htmlspecialchars($_POST['username']);
$password = htmlspecialchars($_POST['password']);
$comment = htmlspecialchars($_POST['comment']);
Your username is: <?php echo $username; ?><br />
Your password: <?php echo $password; ?><br />
Your Comment was: <?php echo $comment; ?>
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7 replies
I think you want this way .. please check
$yourPostVariable = "scor\"pi'on";
//$name = str_replace(array("'", "\""), "", htmlspecialchars($yourPostVariable ) );
echo str_replace(array("'", "\"", """), "", htmlspecialchars($yourPostVariable ) );
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