Object autocomplete event element. Select the receiver value null in the ManagedBean.

I am using Primefaces 3.4.2 Autocomplete.

In ManagedBean, when I select a line while typing characters in autocomplete, I cannot get the value in the handleSelect(SelectEvent event)


What could be causing this? Ideally, I would like to fill or fill other columns in the jsf page when I select a row from the autocomplete values.

JSF code for autocomplete

<p:autoComplete value="#{empMB.selectedEmployee}"
                            id="basicPojo" minQueryLength="3" 
                            completeMethod="#{myMB.complete}" var="p"
                            forceSelection="true" >                           
                            <p:ajax event="itemSelect" 
                            listener="#{myMB.handleSelect}" /> 


ManagedBean method

public void handleSelect(SelectEvent event) {
String value = (String) event.getObject();
System.out.println("selected "+value);



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1 answer

The reason is because you did not specify the attribute itemValue

in the component p:autoComplete




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