Stop matplotlib 3D plot of surface from axes trimming

I am writing a piece of code that simulates the interaction of an atom in electric and magnetic fields. Part of this requires me to create 3D graphs of interaction potentials at a given height. The complete code for creating these graphs is very long and divided into several modules, however the relevant part of the graph is:

# Function to plot 'PlotValues' at a height 'z'
def Plot_AtHeight(self, PlotValues, z=500, ReturnFig=False, ShowTime=False):

    # Calls out to the relevant function to calculate the values and return
    # these as an array
    PlotArray = self.Get_AtHeight(PlotValues, z)

    pylab.rcParams.update( \
        {'axes.labelsize': 18,
         'text.fontsize': 18,
         'xtick.labelsize': 18,
         'ytick.labelsize': 18

    fig = pylab.figure()
    ax = Axes3D(fig)

    # Make the arrays of the points at which the values are calculated
    X, Y = np.mgrid[Xmin:Xmax:complex(0,Xpoints),

    ax.plot_surface(X, Y, PlotArray, cmap=cm.jet)

    ax.set_xlabel('Position, x (nm)')
    ax.set_ylabel('Position, y (nm)')

    if PlotValues   == 'B':           ax.set_zlabel('Field Strength (G)',         fontsize=18)
    elif PlotValues == 'E':           ax.set_zlabel('Field Strength (V/m)',       fontsize=18)
    elif PlotValues == 'U_Stark':     ax.set_zlabel('Stark Interaction (J)',      fontsize=18)
    elif PlotValues == 'U_Zeeman':    ax.set_zlabel('Zeeman Interaction (J)',     fontsize=18)
    elif PlotValues == 'U':           ax.set_zlabel('Interaction Potential (J)',  fontsize=18)
    elif PlotValues == 'U_Stark_mK':  ax.set_zlabel('Stark Interaction (mK)',     fontsize=18)
    elif PlotValues == 'U_Zeeman_mK': ax.set_zlabel('Zeeman Interaction (mK)',    fontsize=18)
    elif PlotValues == 'U_mK':        ax.set_zlabel('Interaction Potential (mK)', fontsize=18)

    # If we are not in a time averaged environment then display the current
    # time (in ns) as the title to 1 decimal place.
    if not self.TimeAveraged and ShowTime:
        TimeStr = str(time*10**9)
            TimeTo1dp = '.'.join([TimeStr.split('.')[0], TimeStr.split('.')[1][0]])
            TimeTo1dp = TimeStr
        ax.set_title("t = %sns" % TimeTo1dp, fontsize=18)

    if not ReturnFig:
    elif ReturnFig: return fig 


An example of these graphs:

one of the plots created

You can see that the axis labels and ticks are a little messy. Specifically, I was hoping that someone might know how to stop clipping the image at the bottom (i.e. to keep all 1000s clear). I have this problem on a lot of angles, once the axis label is off, sometimes ticks, but essentially a python window opens to view and save the plot doesn't seem big enough and its extension scales the whole image so that the labels / ticks are still cut off.

Any help would be appreciated and please don't mention shrinking fonts or removing shortcuts as these are included in the report and are therefore fixed.



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1 answer

You can set the "distance" to your plot, for example

ax.dist = 13



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