Nginx proxy or rewrite depending on user agent, no if

I need to serve different files depending on the user-agent. This is an unusually simple requirement, one step away from serving files in general.

standard answer , use the instruction if


However, it seems to be well known what if

not to use

So the answer at this point seems to be Apache, but I said that my boss nginx was a useful product. Any suggestions?


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1 answer

If you read if it is evil , you will notice that it has the following quote:

The only 100% safe things which may be done inside if in location context are:
return ...;
rewrite ... last; 

Anything else may possibly cause unpredictable behaviour, including potential



anger if

is only applicable for use in the location block

inside a location

-block there are two and only two guaranteed block usage preserves if


  • one lone statement return ...;

  • one lone statement rewrite ... last;

  • (note that an empty if

    block can also lead to problems)

not guaranteed to keep the usage if

in the location block might work, but needs testing



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