How to encrypt / decrypt text using X509Certificate algorithm and AES-256

I have an X509 certificate that I would like to use to encrypt / decrypt a password. However, I can only use the AES-256 algorithm.

Everything I found on the internet suggests using RSACryptoServiceProvider, but that doesn't do AES-256 encryption.

I don't know much about encryption, so some basic code examples will help a lot.


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2 answers

AES is a symmetric key algorithm, meaning that the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt data.

RSA is an asymmetric key algorithm. The key in the public certificate is used for encryption. The private key is then used to decrypt.

RSA cryptographic operations are time consuming. A common practice is to generate a random AES key, encrypt the key with RSA, and then encrypt the plain text with AES.

See how to use RSA to encrypt files (huge data) in C #



Don't do the encryption yourself, it's easy to make a mistake even if you know what you are doing. Use a high level library. For this reason, I ported Kecyzar to C # .



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