Extjs Line Chart Multiline Label

I want to make a label in a line chart on the X axis that shows the summary for the selected category. I want to format this, so under the category name I have values. It works if I do:

return Ext.Date.format(v, 'M Y') + '\r' + 
(val.data.Budgeted==null?'':('$ '+Ext.util.Format.number(val.data.Budgeted, '0,000') + '\r')) +
(val.data.Actual==null?'':('$ '+Ext.util.Format.number(val.data.Actual, '0,000') + '\r'));


yet the label falls as I found with every \ r char. So if I don't have \ r, it will look as it should, but if there are N '\ r'-s, then the shortcut itself will be omitted, since there are N lines of text above it.

It will also be convenient to find a way to format the text (align)

I found a way to do this by changing the drawVerticalLabels function in the axis config. However, this is a bad path in my opinion.


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2 answers

I've had to do something pretty similar I guess. There's a screenshot on SO here .

I ended up doing it as HTML template. I was not as familiar with the ExtJS framework as I am now, so if I had to redo it I would probably use xtemplate, but it worked for me:

series: [{
    type: 'line',
    title: 'This Year',
    axis: 'left',
    smooth: false,
    xField: 'date_value',
    yField: 'the_count',

    // custom tips
    tips: {
      trackMouse: true,
      width: 127,
      height: 70,
      hideDelay: 0,
      dismissDelay: 0,
      renderer: function(record) {
        this.setTitle('<table width=115><tr><th><b>' + 
            record.get('date_value') + 
            ':</b></th><td align=right>' + 
            record.get('the_count') + 
            '</td></tr><tr><th><b>Quota:</b></th><td align=right>' + 
            record.get('the_quota') +
            '</td></tr><tr><th><b>Diff:</b></th><td align=right>' +
            (record.get('the_quota') > record.get('the_count') ? 
                '-' + (record.get('the_quota') - record.get('the_count')) :
                '+' + (record.get('the_count') - record.get('the_quota'))
            ) + '</td></tr></table>'




Multiline can be done by inserting '\ n' to break the line in the axis render and it is centered by default.



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