Mysql for excel

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question, but I ran into the problem of installing MySQL not recognizing Office 2013 and installing MySQL for Excel.

Mostly MySQL

Has addin for excel that allows you to automatically connect to the database and make changes. During MySQL installation, it checks for requirements, one of which is Excel 2007 or higher. And this requirement is not met for me. I am running Office 2013 Pro Plus (64 bit) and installing MySQL (64 bit)

Can anyone please help? Is there any other app that you recommend? I don't want to import and export data or files manually. I need an application that opens all tables in separate sheets, which I can manually modify and automatically save to the DB.

Any advice is appreciated.


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3 answers

It looks like this is a known bug :

Now try the following workaround:

  • Run the MySQL installer (if already installed, run it from Start> MySQL> MySQL Installer).
  • Try a full install (but you don't need to install them).
  • Go to C: \ Program Data \ MySQL \ MySQL Installer \ Product Cache
  • See if you have MySQL for MS Excel and start it manually.

I would look at these other threads on google .



I faced the same problem. You can download the offline .msi

file mysql_for_excel


After that copy the .msi to C:\Program Data\MySQL\MySQL Installer\Product Cache

and execute it. Restart excel. Done

Then on the Data tab you can see this

enter image description here



This bug has been fixed as of MySQL for Excel 1.2.1. However, due to the nature of this error, you must manually uninstall previous versions of MySQL for Excel before installing v1.2.1 +.



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