Changing business rule verification over time in Rails

Several times I've been in a situation where we have a model with business process validation, for example:

class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
  validates_numericality_of :total, :greater_than => 5.0

  # Some more logic


At some point, the boss man decides that the new minimum order should be $ 10, so we update the validation to 10. However, this means that any existing orders with values ​​between $ 5 and $ 10 will no longer be validated, and any logic where i call (), it starts crashing (sometimes frustratingly quiet). I've encountered this many times in a fairly large Rails delivery application, and haven't found a good solution yet. Some ideas:

  • Make sure pending "orders" will not be processed when the code change is changed.
  • Add :if => { |o| o.created_at.nil? or o.created_at > date_new_validation_is_effective }

    to the new check, but it quickly gets cumbersome.
  • "Validate" business rules somewhere else, such as controllers, where user input is entered rather than as a model validation. But this violates the Fat Model / Skinny Controller principle, which has many supporters in Rails.

Is there another approach for integrating this logic or keeping a strategy like # 2 manageable in the long run?


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2 answers

You can configure this business logic validation to run only :on => :create

. I am assuming that you do not often edit / update the order total.

This will apply to all future orders without affecting the validity of existing models in the system.



You can add version to order record and version check.



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