How to implement git id or build to c # application

I want to implement the build id before the application dialog using git. I know a unix command to get the build id from git, but I have no idea how to grab it during build.


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3 answers

Probably the easiest way to do this is using pre-build events. The solution is to call the command git

, dump the dump to a text file, include that file as a resource, and load the resource into C # code.

Add prebuild.cmd

to your project directory with the following content:

cd %1
git log -n 1 --format=format:"%%h" HEAD > %2


Go to your project properties tab Build Events

and enter the following command at the command prompt:

"$(ProjectDir)prebuild.cmd" "$(ProjectDir)" "$(ProjectDir)revision.txt"


Create an empty file revision.txt

in your project directory (or run the build once). Add it to your project and set Embedded Resource

build action for it . It also makes sense to add this file to .gitignore

, because it is automatically generated.

In your C # project, add a new utility class:

public static class GitRevisionProvider
    public static string GetHash()
        using(var stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
                                    "DEFAULT_NAMESPACE" + "." + "revision.txt"))
        using(var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
            return reader.ReadLine();


Remember to replace DEFAULT_NAMESPACE

with your project's default namespace (it is appended to the resource names and there is no general way to get it, you will have to hard-code it).

This solution assumes that the path to git

exists in an environment variable %PATH%




if you are using Nant you need to do a set of tasks to get the git id

after that you can execute regex and get id and set to property.



Based on max's answer here's an alternative solution that doesn't create a resource, but directly creates a class file from prebuild.cmd


Add prebuild.cmd

to the project directory with this content:

@echo off
cd %1
for /F "delims=" %%i in ('git describe --always --dirty --tags') do set git_revision=%%i
echo public static class Git> %2
echo {>> %2
echo     public static string GetRevision()>> %2
echo     {>> %2
echo         return "%git_revision%";>> %2
echo     }>> %2
echo }>> %2


Go to the project properties tab Build Events

and enter the following command at the command prompt:

"$(ProjectDir)prebuild.cmd" "$(ProjectDir)" "$(ProjectDir)Git.cs"


Create an empty file Git.cs

in your project directory (or run the build once) and add (Existing Item ...) to your project. Also add Git.cs

in .gitignore

because it autogenerates.



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