MVC4 bundle template error

I am stuck with bundles in MVC4. I have defined a bundle

bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/maps").Include("~/Scripts/map.*.js"));


and scripts



It was ok until I added



After that I get the error

Invalid pattern: 'map.*.js'. Wildcards are only allowed in the last path segment, can contain only one leading or trailing wildcard, and cannot be used with {version}.


Parameter name: virtualPaths

Any ideas how to solve this without listing all the files (I expect to add more with the "map." Prefix)?

Thanks for the help.


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1 answer

It just seems like an annoying limitation of the current Bundle version.

You can write:



Of course it can pick up ~/Scripts/map.a.txt

(not sure, haven't tested this edge). As long as you only have .js resources in the given path, it map.*

is safe.



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