How to standardize the use of convertible numbers in JSF for different components?

In my project I am using a lot of h: outputtext with f: convertnumber to apply the pattern to my numeric data.

<h:outputText  value="#{stock.price}">
    <f:convertNumber currencySymbol="" groupingUsed="true" maxFractionDigits="2" type="currency" />


Copying and pasting this template when needed for other data seems easy. But he is also uncontrollable; when used more, changing the template seems to require a lot of find / replace operations.

How to make this template reusable and manageable in a central location.


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1 answer

The easiest way is to create a custom converter that extends the desired standard converter and in which you set the desired default values ​​in the constructor.

public class DefaultNumberConverter extends NumberConverter {

    public DefaultNumberConverter() {



Use it like this:

<h:outputText value="#{stock.price}" converter="defaultNumberConverter" />




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