How to get onEdit event to hit Google Apps Script when editing spreasheet via api?
I have script apps that capture the onEdit event when I edit a specific Google Spreadsheet cell manually and apply various formatting changes based on the change.
However, when I edit the same cell using the Google Drive API, the script doesn't seem to run.
Is there a way to trigger an event via api that can be detected by script applications? Or some other solution for this?
Publish as web app:
it is possible to call the google apps script code using url i.e. from google apps script Menu-> publish-> Publish as web app. Then you can pass the cell id as a parameter to the "web application". and onEdit is called on the web application.
I suspect that "google-spreadsheet-api" has nothing to do with this, since even basic things like "insert row in the middle of the sheet" don't exist.