Iterate over a list of values ​​using javascript

I am looking for iterating over a list of values ​​using javascript.

I have a list like this

Label: A    Value:  Test    Count: 4
Label: B    Value:  Test2   Count: 2
Label: C    Value:  Test3   Count: 4
Label: D    Value:  Test4   Count: 1
Label: C    Value:  Test5   Count: 1


My goal is to pass each line to different functions based on the label. I am trying to figure out if a multidimensional array is appropriate.


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2 answers

var list = [
   {"Label": "A", "value": "Test", "Count": 4},
   {"Label": "B", "value": "Test2", "Count": 2},
   {"Label": "C", "value": "Test3", "Count": 4},
   {"Label": "D", "value": "Test4", "Count": 1},
   {"Label": "C", "value": "Test5", "Count": 1}

for(var i = 0, size = list.length; i < size ; i++){
   var item = list[i];


You can define a function matchesLabel

, it must return true if an element should be passed to your function.



If you want to make it more professional, you can use this function

function exec(functionName, context, args )
    var namespaces = functionName.split(".");
    var func = namespaces.pop();

    for(var i = 0; i < namespaces.length; i++) {
        context = context[namespaces[i]];

    return context[func].apply(this, args);


This function allows you to run it in the context you want (a typical window scenario ) and pass some arguments. Hope this helps;)



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