Game Algorithm for Removing Subsets [HW / Study]

We are given a problem, which I led to the following: You are assigned a binary number with all (for example, 11111) and a set of binary numbers of the same length (00101, 10000, 01100, 00100, 11100). There are two players A and B. At each step, the player can subtract any of the smaller numbers from the base binary number (11111), so that the AND binary code from number 2 is less. then the next player can subtract from the resulting, etc. The player who can no longer subtract loses. eg.

   A         B       
 11111     11010   // Now A cannot subtract 
-00101    -10000   // anymore in the next turn. 
-------   ------   // So B wins the game.
 11010     01010
-------   ------


If both players are playing optimally (making the best choices to win), then I have to figure out which player wins for a given combination of binary numbers.

I've tried the O (n ^ 2) approach, but is there a faster way?

Edit: O (n ^ 2): where n is the number of states. For a binary number of length 6 (111111), 2 ^ 6 states are possible. so my complexity is O ((2 ^ 6) ^ 2).

Edit: My code that generates all possible states:

void makeAllStates() /* Bottom Up Approach. Starting from 00000 and going to 11111 */
    // bool states[i] : True if state[i] is a winning position.
    // bool isWord[i] : True if the given state matches a smaller number. (eg. If the main number has been reduced to 10110 and there is a smaller number 10110, then isWord[i] is true.
    // bool visited[i] : True If the given state has been visited  
    // int statecount : Total number of states
    int temp;
    for(int xx=1;xx<stateCount;xx++)
        for(int yy=1;yy<stateCount;yy++)
            if(!(isWord[xx] || isWord[yy]))
            temp = xx^yy;
            if(isWord[xx] && isWord[yy])
                states[temp] = false;
                    states[temp] = !states[yy];
                    states[temp] = !states[xx];
            visited[temp] = true;
            if(temp == stateCount-1 && states[temp])




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2 answers

I don't know if this will help you (you said the O (n ^ 2) approach, but you didn't say what N stands for). Try a general approach for fair play (Sprague-Grundy theory):

  • position in the game is your main number.
  • Find all "lost" positions (positions that you can no longer subtract)
  • for all "lost" positions x: Grundy function g (x) = 0;
  • Then if you want to compute the grundy function for the y position: find all the x_1 ... x_k positions so you can rotate from the y position to the x_i position. g (y) = mex (g (x_1), ..., g (x_k)). "mex" - "minimum excludant" - the smallest non-negative integer of all except g (x_1), ..., g (x_k). For example, mex (2, 3, 4) = 0, mex (0, 1, 2, 5) = 3, mex (0, 1) = 2, etc.

Note that you can recursively consider each position in the game, and you will consider position x once (when calculating g (x)), so this algorithm is linear in the number of possible positions. linear by the number of possible rotations between positions, i.e. O (N * K), where N is the number of states and K is the size of the set of smaller numbers (with which you can make rotations in your game)

If g (START_POSITION) = 0, then the starting position is the lost position and the first player loses (every turn leads to a winning position). If g (START_POSITION)> 0, then the starting position is a winning position (there is a rotation to position x, so g (x) = 0), so the first player wins.

Sorry for the bad english and hope this is helpful



Based on K. Bulatov's input, here is the final code over time. The complexity is O (n ^ 2) worst case. After pruning, the number of calls was reduced to a great extent. The main function is as follows:

//state : The state for which grundy number is being queried.
//visited[i] : If the grundy number of the state has already been calculated.
//wordStates[] : an array with all the smaller numbers stored.
//mex() : "minimal excludant" - the smallest non-negative integer not in array
int grundyNum(int state)
        return grundy[state];
    int grundArr[wordStates.size()];
    int loc =0;
    visited[state] = true;
    for(int xx =0;xx<wordStates.size();xx++)
        if((state&wordStates[xx]) == wordStates[xx])
            grundArr[loc] = grundyNum(state^wordStates[xx]);
    grundy[state] =  mex(grundArr,loc);
    return grundy[state];


Just calling a function with the following gives a winner:

result = grundy(1111111);
winner = result==0?"B":"A";




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