Windows Phone 8 app traffic data how? How about terms of use?

Can I use Microsof / Nokia traffic data on Windows Phone 8 ? How? It looks very easy for a Windows Store app .

So I researched Microsoft.Phone.Maps.Controls.Map

, no luck.
I can't find any code or post on how to get traffic data in C # for Windows Phone 8. I'm afraid there is something I should know.

There is a RESTful Traffic API , but I am somewhat confused about the Terms of Service. I suppose I would put a free ad-supported app model. In this context, are transactions paid?


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1 answer

For Bing Maps:

You can easily use the Traffic REST service to provide traffic information to your control, but in fact, there may be problems with the Terms of Use as it might not be allowed to use it in a scenario other than a web page (regardless of whether protocol). See 8.2.i (see also clause 9 on Mobile APP):

In this case, you will be competing against GPS devices (Garmin, etc.) and this is probably the main reason you might have problems. You can contact if you have a specific use case and would like you to be able to build the application the way you want.

Anyway, if it's for a Proof Of Concept type application, you can use a REST service to get route information or for a specific scope, see MSDN here:

And here is an example of using it in a .Net application (so in your WP client application):

For Nokia Maps:

Nokia offers an integrated dedicated traffic API that is not part of the public API, but rather from the Nokia Location Platform (also called Here Platform for Enterprise) and with this API you can get information for a specific area and get accurate information like in a service BING REST.

You should contact your Nokia representatives for more information on this service.

Let us know if you have any further questions.



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